
518 EBウイルス関連胃癌の臨床像と上部消化管疾患明らかとなっている44).このような遺伝子レベルでの変化やEBVの存在に対する宿主の免疫反応は,EBV関連胃癌の特徴的なCLSやLELCの組織型を導き,さらにはCLSによる腫瘤形成やLELCの炎症類似の表面像を反映した肉眼型として臨床像に表現される.現時点では,EBVの胃上皮細胞への感染は主としてHpによる慢性胃炎の過程で生じると考えられ,EBV関連胃癌の多くは周囲に萎縮性変化を伴い胃の上部に存在している. EBV関連胃癌を臨床的に診断することは,その比較的良好とされる予後の予測に有用と思われる.さらに将来的には,EBV関連胃癌の診断が内視鏡的治療の適応拡大や化学療法や新たな免疫療法などの適応決定に役立つことが期待される.文‌献 1) Burke AP, et al.:Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the stomach with Epstein—Barr virus demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction. Mod Pathol 1990;3:377—380. 2) Shibata D, et al.:association of Epatein—Barr virus with undifferentiated gastric carcinomas with intense lymphoid infiltration Lymphoepithelioma—like carcinoma. Am J Pathol 1991;139:469—474. 3) Tokunaga M, et al.:Epstein—Barr virus in gastric carcinoma. Am J Pathol 1993;143:1250—1254. 4) Imai S, et al.:Gastric carcinoma:monoclonal epi-thelial malignant cells expressing Epstein—Barr virus latent infection protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1994;91:9131—9135. 5) Watanabe H, et al.:Gastric carcinoma with lym-phoid stroma:its morphologic characteristics and prognostic correlations. Cancer 1976;38:232—243. 6) Matsunou H, et al.:Characteristics of Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma in Japan. Cancer 1996;77:1998—2004. 7) Levine PH, et al.:Elevated antibody titers to Epstein—Barr virus prior to the diagnosis of Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric adenocari-noma. Int J Cancer 1995;60:642—644. 8) Shinkura R, et al.:Epstein—Barr virus—specific anti-bodies in Epstein—Barr virus—positive and —nega-tive gastric carcinoma cases in Japan. J Med Virol 2000;60:411—6. 9) Schetter AJ, et al.:Association of Epstein—Barr virus antibody levels with precancerous gastric lesions in a high—risk cohort. Cancer Sci 2008;99:350—354. 10) Yanai H, et al.:Endoscopic and pathologic feature of Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma. Gastrointest Endosc 1997;45:236—242. 11) Nishikawa J, et al.:High prevalence of Epstein—Barr virus in gastric carcinoma after Billroth—Ⅱ reconstruction. Scand J Gastroenterol 2002;37:825—829. 12) Tokunaga M, et al.:Epstein—Barr virus related gastric cancer in Japan:a molecular patho—epide-miological study. Acta Pathol Jpn 1993;43:574—581. 13) Song HJ, et al.:Host inflammatory response pre-dicts survival of patients with Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2010;139:84—92. 14) Murphy G, et al.:Meta—analysis shows that preva-lence of Epstein—Barr virus—positive gastric cancer differs based on sex and anatomic location. Gastro-enterology 2009;137:824—833. 15) Nishikawa J, et al.:Hypoechoic submucosal nod-ules:A sign of Epstein—Barr virus—associated early gastric cancer. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1998;13:585—590. 16) Lim H, et al.:Features of gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma associated with Epstein—Barr virus. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015;13:1738—1744. 17) Koriyama C, et al.:Histology—specific gender, age, and tumor—location distributions of Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma in Japan. Oncol Rep 2004;12:543—547. 18) Uemura Y, et al.:A unique morphology of Epstein—Barr virus—related early gastric carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 1994;3:607—611. 19) 西川 潤,他:多彩な分化像を呈したEpstein—Barr virus関連早期胃癌の1例.Gastroenterol Endosc 1997;39:62—67. 20) Nakamura Y, et al.:Mucin and differentiation in Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma. Hepatogastroenterol 2005;52:1066—1070. 21) Nakamura Y, et al.:The clinical meaning of mucin phenotype and Epstein—Barr virus infection in gas-tric cancer. Hepatogastroenterol 2008;55:41—45. 22) Barua RR, et al.:Phenotype analysis by MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6, and CD10 expression in Epstein—Barr virus—associated gastric carcinoma. J Gastro-enterol 2006;41:733—739. 23) Hirano N, et al.:down regulation of gastric and intestinal phenotypic expression in Epstein—Barr virus—associated stomach cancers. Histol Histo-pathol 2007;22:641—649. 24) Uozaki H, et al.:Transcripyional factor typing with SOX2, HNF4aP1, and CDX2 closely related to tumor invasion and Epstein—Barr virus status in gastric cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2011;4:230—240. 25) Wu MS, et al.:Epstein—Barr virus—associated gas-tric carcinomas:relation to H. pylori infection and

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